Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Mixed Media, Digital Work, Photography, Video, Performance and Installation----FROM LATE 2006 TO NOW----WORK BY MIKAELA RAQUEL
"ISOLATION MAGIC FULL OF CIRCUS", 2008LOCATION: Ringling College Campus Documentation Video of the Installation/Performance/ Video piece, 2008 The Piece included 2 videos and 1 slideshow of photographs: A DVD playing on the television set and a video being projected on the performer that was sitting down in the tent. The slideshow of photographs was playing on a small screen that was attached to the performers back with acrylic. The performance was simple; a girl staring at the projector, no movement, doll-like/ like a sculpture. During the exhibition, "IMPLACABLE CREATURE", the girl was mistaken for a sculpture by several individuals. Audio included from two different sources: Lap top speakers and the tv set speakers. Materials: Fabric, string, television set with paper sculpture coming off the screen, acrylic glaze, costume, yarn for the performer's hair (doll-like), mirror and projector.
"DR. CREATURE'S INTERNAL SATELLITE EMERGENCY OPERATION ON CALL",This video is a documentation of the performance at the Planetarium. There were 3 different views of videos. Total there was 2 different videos. This video was the one projected over the performer, (myself) and the sculpture that was also a self-portrait. That same video was also projected at the same time on the front view (same side of the performance) of the large dome of the Planetarium. The second video was a stop motion animation with shrieking audio showing the progression/making of the self-portrait dummy/ puppet/ sculpture. The 'self puppet', also known as, "Mikaela-bot", included moving limbs, plaster casts made from my own body and a animatronic beating heart.2007-2008 Project series included Sculptures, found objects, videos, photographs, TV set, cameras, animation, costume, make up, monitors, audio and a performance that took place in the exhibition "COSMIX", (2008) at the Bishop Planetarium in the South Florida Museum in Bradenton, Fl. I feel like the photographs are more important than what actually happened during the performance, unless you were a part of the present audience. Some of the following photographs are documentations of the performance, re-enactments of the performance, video stills, photograph and costume/ character studies for the body of work. The photographs suggest a lot of metaphors about self exploration and a lot about an unworldly personal symbolism, but basically what seems to be taking place is a strange sci-fi inspired operation of the sculpture.